How to become a crypto trader and creating a space for women in Web 3 with Ashley Wright- Episode 88

Ashley is an energetic and ambitious Girlboss who quit the corporate 9-5 world to pursue her love of Crypto, travel, and empowering others. She’s on a mission to help others create generational wealth through Crypto. With over 8 years of experience in Business and Direct Sales, she has built a global brand with The Crypto Strategy Academy.

She is Leading the industry as one of the top Crypto Educators in Canada and is the co-founder of Crypto Babes, a community for women learning, working and building in Web3, which has over 22,000 members. Ashley is also the author of "The Crypto Strategy Workbook" and "Crypto Workbook for Youth". She has spoken at countless conferences around the world and works to highlight under represented communities.

Ashley’s Resources:

Key takeaways:

  1. Care less about what other people think - Ashley got into the tech space regardless of what other people thought. In 2016 she was in school learning about HR and marketing. She only heard about bitcoin through her parents and began doing some research. She started by investing $300, which turned into $900 within three months. She got really excited about it, and joined the space regardless of the fact there were not many women, much less women of color. But she had motivation and determination and took no interest in what other people thought.   

  2. Be comfortable with uncomfortable situations - Ashley pushed herself into uncomfortable positions purposefully. She went from a place where she was completely unaware of tech, into a tech space. It had an extremely different dynamic than what she was used to. The one thing that drove her was motivation, and her understanding of the timing. Despite being alone in the tech space, she understood that they were in the beginning stages in the adoption of the technology. She put herself in a position where she was ready to learn a lot and take advantage of the situation she was in. 

  3. Keep up with trends - one of the obstacles of being an entrepreneur are the moments when you ask yourself what it is exactly that you are doing. You see a lot of successes which slowly start to die off with time. You need to find a way to pivot and find new strategies that work and build consistency. There are moments where you come up with something but soon after peop;e quickly move onto another thing. You need to constantly be pivoting and staying up to date with the trends. Ashley tries to remain unique and let people know that she has been around for a long time and has a lot of knowledge in the field, while also planning revamping. 

  4. Some obstacles might actually be advantages - Ashley is a woman, and a woman of color. There are not a lot of people like that in the tech space. Rather than thinking of it as an obstacle, she uses it as an advantage. Since she is the only one doing what she does, she uses it as a tool to attract people and convince people like her that it is possible and doable.  

  5. Change your perspectives - In order to succeed in starting your own business, you need to change your perspectives on how you understand money, and how you understand failure. Failure is mandatory in order for you to be successful. Failure allows you to understand what you need to do to achieve success. You need to understand what does not work in order to understand what does. Environment and support are equally important. You need to have supportive people around you to aid you in staying on your feet though the journey.









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Fiyin Obayan is the founder of Okiki Consulting, where she helps business owners communicate their personal brand or company brand stories through video content, in order to communicate to their target audience.

Contact Fiyin:



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